Forget about hazardous foods like chocolate and grapes; offering your pets processed or refined human food is an issue. Your pet's body is simply not designed for this.
Leaving your house in disarray makes it difficult for your pets to keep healthy and injury-free. They can trip over items, get into mischief because it's exposed, and get wounded.
Make tick and flea reminders for yourself. These things are simple if you remain on top of prevention; if you wait too long, your pet may develop a problem.
Consult your veterinarian about how much food your pet should be eating. People feed their pets more food as a symbol of love, but you may be causing them damage.
Pets take one look inside and know they'll find something to their liking. The problem is that trash can be sharp, rotten, or simply disgusting, so keep your pets away from it.
Bring your pet for a walk or run even if you're not motivated. Pets need exercise and mental stimulation. While you're doing it, consider walking other pets for profit.
Insecticides applied around the house are harmful to pets. If you have pest control, ask the company if the pesticides they use are safe for pets.
Pets, like humans, can have good and bad days. However, you must pay great attention to any behavioral changes you notice in your pets.