8 Ridiculously Unhealthy Lifestyle Habits No One Talks About

We always talk about texting and driving or drinking and driving, but driving while fatigued is just as deadly.

1. Drowsy Driving

Some people enjoy the grind, but humans require a break. We require leisure, relaxation, and downtime to pursue our hobbies and interests without regard for monetary gain. 

2. Hustle Culture

Humans were not designed to sit for 8-10 hours a day. We were designed to walk and move. Our sedentary habits are doing havoc on our health.

3. Constant Sitting

Many office workers have shifted to stand-up desks to avoid sitting all day, but the results are only marginally better. We're meant to be on the go. 

4. Standing in Place

Americans are always anxious, and for good reason. We have little to no job security, can't afford to live, and see no way out. Constant stress is detrimental to our entire health.

5. Chronic Stress

Social media algorithms want us to keep scrolling so they can obtain more views and ad income. We can't seem to get away from the relentless barrage of negative news, but it's unhealthy. 

6. Doomscrolling

America is hate-driven. The media and politicians use it to manipulate people, but it harms our health. Angry people can't be happy, and society suffers. 

7. All the Hate

People are more lonely than ever before, and it's hurting them. Humans are social beings that require a community to survive. Our solitude has a bad impact on our mental health. 

8. Loneliness

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