8 Easy Ways to Make Your Home More Pet Friendly

Provide your pet with a bed or blanket in a quiet spot. Your pet feels safe and can retreat in a designated area.

1. Provide a Dedicated Space

Use pet-friendly, durable textiles for furniture and beds. Stain-resistant and easy-to-clean materials simplify cleanup and keep your house fresh.

2. Use Pet-Friendly Fabrics

Find and secure electrical cords, poisonous plants, and household chemicals. Keep these products out of reach to avoid accidents and pet health issues.

3. Secure Hazardous Items

Provide toys, scratching posts (for cats), and other stimulation to keep your pet cognitively stimulated. This reduces boredom and destructiveness.

4. Provide Enrichment

Choose scratch-resistant, easy-to-clean flooring. Pet-friendly flooring like laminate, tile, or carpet is more forgiving.

5. Create a Safe Outdoor Space

Choose scratch-resistant, easy-to-clean flooring. Pet-friendly flooring like laminate, tile, or carpet is more forgiving.

6. Choose Pet-Friendly Flooring

Pets like routine. Schedule regular feedings, walks, and playing to provide your pet structure and suit their requirements.

7. Establish a Routine

Consider scratch-resistant, easy-to-clean pet-friendly furniture. Practical options include leather upholstery and detachable coverings.

8. Invest in Pet-Friendly Furniture

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