8 Top Predators in the Food Chain

Every animal has its own qualities, but they all need food. Animals devour each other to survive according to the food chain.

1. Tiger Nepal

Because saltwater crocodiles are apex predators in their natural habitats, they have no natural predators. These creatures employ an opportunistic approach, ambushing their victim and then subduing it with fatal force. 

2. Saltwater Crocodile

Polar bears find seals most easily. Due to seals' ability to breathe through cracked ice, these powerful predators live in these places. 

3. Polar Bear

Brown bears usually eat 90 pounds of fat-rich food everyday. Given their prowess as a top-of-the-chain predator, their diet of berries, nuts, and roots is astonishing. 

4. Brown Bear

Komodo dragons are carnivores that eat mammals, reptiles, deer, pigs, and birds. The Komodo dragon is native to Indonesia's Lesser Sunda Islands, notably Komodo. 

5. Komodo Dragon

Highly territorial Siberian tigers leave smell imprints along their borders. Though they avoid humans, these beasts often attack people in remote places. 

6. Siberian Tiger

Female lions hunt, while males defend the pack. Zebras, antelopes, and wildebeests can be killed by these powerful pack predators. 

7. Lion

Leopards are excellent hunters, measuring more than 3 meters from nose to tail and weighing up to 80 kilos in huge individuals. 

8. Leopard

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