9 Healthy Snacks To Help You Cut Cravings and Lose Weight

Greek yogurt is high in protein, which keeps you fuller for longer, while berries offer natural sweetness as well as fiber and antioxidants.

1. Greek Yogurt with Berries

Snack on cucumber, bell pepper, or carrot sticks with hummus on the side. This combo contains fiber, vitamins, and good fats.

2. Vegetable Sticks with Hummus

Apples and nut butter (such as almond or peanut butter) combine to provide a filling and healthful snack. The fiber in apples, as well as the protein and healthy fats in nut butter, keep you full.

3. Apple Slices with Nut Butter

Hard-boiled eggs are a convenient and high-protein snack. They can aid with hunger management and supply necessary nutrients.

4. Hard-Boiled Eggs

A small handful of nuts or seeds (such as almonds, walnuts, or pumpkin seeds) can provide healthful fats, protein, and fiber.

5. Nuts and Seeds

Choose whole grain crackers and a small amount of cheese to go with them. Fiber, protein, and calcium are all provided by this combo.

6. Whole Grain Crackers with Cheese

Blend fruits, veggies, and a protein source (such as Greek yogurt or protein powder) into a smoothie. To add texture, pour it into a bowl and top with nuts, seeds, or granola.

7. Smoothie Bowl

Edamame (young soybeans) is a nutritious snack that contains plant-based protein, fiber, and a variety of vitamins and minerals.

8. Edamame

Cottage cheese is a low-fat, high-protein dairy choice. It goes well with fresh pineapple for a delicious and filling snack.

9. Cottage Cheese with Pineapple

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